Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Avoid Divorce Court with Collaborative Family Law

collaborative family lawyer Oakville
Divorce is an incredibly stressful situation for everyone involved, especially the children. Collaborative family law is a method of encouraging collaboration and cooperation among divorcing spouses by attempting to reach agreements in a dignified and respectable approach. The goal is to have the divorcing spouses work cooperatively to settle issues for the separation agreement to make the divorce process smoother. The most important people in the picture are the children, who truly have no voice when their parents face divorce. By creating an atmosphere where the issues are dealt with privately - outside of the court - in a rational demeanor, settlements can be reached much quicker and affordably, as well as much less emotionally with the help of a collaborative family lawyer.

Cooperation and Communication

The two keys of coming up with an agreeable settlement is cooperation and communication. Without these two elements, a settlement will be lengthy, drawn out, and emotionally draining. It is imperative for the divorcing parties to have some amount of mutual respect for each other - and for their children - in order for them to set aside their differences in order to come to an agreement. The most important aspect in these agreements and settlements is to ensure that all parties leave with some amount of dignity and integrity by using the expertise of a collaborative family lawyer.

What is Collaborative Family Law?

In essence, collaborative family law is a voluntary process whereby conflicts are resolved in a cooperative manner for all involved. Parties involved enter into a "Participation Agreement" where all parties - including their respective lawyers - agree to the process. This process attempts to resolve any issues or conflicts without having to drag out the dissolved marriage through the courts to let a judge make decisions. Doing so can save a time, money, and a lot of heartache.

The lawyers involved in this process are there to provide legal advice to their clients, and help them come to an agreement in the settlement of their estate, affairs, and their children (if any).

What Are the Advantages of Collaborative Family Law?

The advantages of such an approach are obvious. The encouragement of a cooperative and respectful dissolution of marriage will save emotional distress for both the divorcing couple and their children. In addition, the money saved by keeping the divorce out of the courts can be significant. And lastly, the ultimate decision on the estate, finances and the children are completely up to the divorcing couple - rather than leaving it up to a judge to decide what happens with these situations.

Getting the Experts on Your Team

Diane Daly has been helping divorcing couples amicably end their marriage with as much dignity as possible. She is a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, Ontario Collaborative Law Federation, Hamilton-Halton Collaborative Practice Group and the Halton-Peel Collaborative Practice Group. She is highly trained and knowledgeable in this field. Diane and her team are extremely concerned about any dependents or children involved in the dissolution of a marriage, and help families move on to a better tomorrow.

If you are looking for a collaborative family lawyer Oakville or other areas of Southern Ontario, give Diane and her team a call today at 905 844-5883 and attempt to resolve your marital issues out of the courts with their expert assistance.