Thursday, March 12, 2015

Seeking Other Options for Divorce

My husband and I have been having a lot of problems in our marriage we have even discussed divorce. I went and talked with my sister about it and she told me that I should contact a Divorce lawyer Mississauga. She said there are divorce lawyers who will suggest alternatives to going to divorce that are quicker and easier on the couple and families.

Mississauga Divorce lawyer Seeking Other Options for Divorce

Divorces can be long, messy and expensive. For couples that are able to still rationally and reasonably deal with one another, there are alternatives to divorce court. It is best to find a family lawyer with experience in mediation, arbitration and collaborative family law. Collaborative family law is where each partner has a lawyer represent them and they sit down to make a separation agreement. All income, assets and debts must be accounted for and divided. Responsibility for the children and child or spousal support must also be determined. Collaborative family law looks to find the best solutions for all family members as a way to go forward to a better tomorrow. It is a more respectful and collaborative approach to divorce.

There are alternatives to court and processes that promote collaboration and preserve dignity. We discovered that it pays to learn your alternatives and find an experienced collaborative family lawyer who can help you understand your options and the process that is best for your family and your future.

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